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These General Terms & Conditions describe the rights and obligations of SeeU in France (hereinafter the Provider) and its Client, a natural person or a legal entity (hereinafter the Client), in the delivery of travel planning services (hereinafter the Services).

These General Terms and Conditions prevail over any other conditions. The Client acknowledges having read, understood and accepted the present General Terms and Conditions.

The Client guarantees that it is fully entitled to subscribe to the offer proposed by the Provider.


The Provider offers its Clients travel planning services and undertakes to provide the Services in accordance with the terms of its offer and with a constant concern for service quality.

The success of the Services is based on a collaboration between the Provider and the Client.

For the needs of its mission, the Provider may communicate directly to third-party providers on behalf of the Client.

The Services are simple advice. The Provider is subject only to an obligation of means. It is therefore not responsible for any consequences arising from the use of its advice by the Client.

Once the Order is approved and fully paid and based on the information supplied by the Client, the Provider will provide the Client with a detailed program for its travel, offering a sequenced description of the activities. No booking will be made by the Provider. The Client is in charge of booking the activities.

While the Provider makes every effort to ensure the provided information is accurate and up to date, the Client is ultimately responsible for checking its itinerary and making sure that suggested routes, addresses, opening times, and other information is accurate. The Provider cannot guarantee the availability of any activity and any opening hours and cannot be held liable, should the activity not be available at the moment of the booking or the recommended location/activity be closed upon arrival.

SeeU in France cannot be held responsible, should a third-party provider cancel the activity booked by the Client. It is reminded that the third-party providers are solely responsible for the products and/or services they offer to the Client, which must contact the concerned third-party providers directly.

In the event that the Client is not satisfied by the delivered Services, the Provider will have to be notified by email no later than the week following the delivery of the Services. Any claim made after this one-week-time period will be considered as null and void.

The Provider is not a travel agency, profession regulated by the French law 2009-888 dated from 22/07/2009 and is therefore not registered in the Registre des Agents de Voyages et de Séjours (Register of travel agents).

The Provider is also not a tour operator or a provider of tours or activities. SeeU in France also does not supply any transportation. The Provider’s responsibilities are limited to providing a day-by-day travel itinerary to the Client.

The Client fully understands and agrees that SeeU in France is not responsible for any damage and disclaims all liability that may result from following the program and recommendations made by SeeU in France. The partaking in any activity and experience recommended by Shopwizy is at the Client’s own risk.

The Provider assumes no responsibility for the Client’s compliance with any applicable laws, rules and regulations. The provider recommends the Client to subscribe to appropriate insurance.


The Order process is as follows:

The order of travel planning services will be considered as placed as soon as the payment is received by the Provider. The payment can be made online on

The Provider will acknowledge receipt of the Order by email. The order confirmation will be sent to the email address communicated by the Client. The Client is invited to contact the Provider, should the order confirmation per mail not be received.

Options may be ordered by the Client after its order has been placed. In such a case, options will be billed separately and will have to be fully payed before being delivered.

The Provider reserves the right to invalidate a Client’s Order in the event:

  • It does not comply with these General Terms and Conditions,

  • Of a suspicion of fraud regarding the order.


Once placed, the Order is irrevocable for the Client, unless there is a written acceptance of the Provider.

Should the Provider not be able to provide the ordered travel planning services, the whole amount of the order will be refunded to the Client. The refunds will be made in euros (€).

Once the travel planning services are delivered, the Client will not be allowed to cancel the order. In this event, no compensation of any kind will be accepted by the Provider.


5.1 Rate

Prices are quoted in euros (€) including taxes. The Provider reserves the right to change its prices at any time, being understood that the price appearing on the offer validated within the required time will be applicable only to the Order. The Provider also reserves the right to modify its offers at any time and without any prior information.

5.2. Payment terms

Payment by bank transfer and/or by credit card and/or by Paypal.

The full payment will be requested from the Client when ordering.

Should the payment of the Order be refused by the Bank, the Order will be automatically canceled.

In the event that some orders generate additional processing fees for the Provider, the said charges will be billed separately in addition to the initial billing.

6 – WEBSITE (hereinafter the Website) may include links to other websites or applications (each a "Third-Party Site"). The Provider does not control or endorse any Third-Party Site. The Client agrees that the Provider is not responsible for the availability or contents of such Third-Party Sites. The use of Third-Party Sites is at the Client’s own risk.

The Website may be modified, updated, interrupted, suspended or discontinued at any time without notice or liability.


By sending us any ideas, suggestions, documents or proposals ("Feedback"), the Client agrees that it does not contain the confidential or proprietary information of third parties. Besides, the Provider is under no obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect to the Feedback, as the Provider may have something similar to the Feedback already under consideration or in development.


In any case, the Provider cannot be held responsible for the non-performance of its obligations in case of force majeure.

Is considered as a case of force majeure, any event beyond the control of the Provider, which includes but is not limited to, attacks, fires, earthquakes, floods, total or partial strikes… and affects the smooth running of the company or that of one of its suppliers, subcontractors or carriers. Is also considered as force majeure, any event leading to the interruption of transport, supply of energy, raw materials or spare parts.

If the Client, for any reasons other than the force majeure, wishes to break this contract, it (the Client) remains liable of damages of the total amount (100%) of the order.

The Client remains liable for the full price of the order, if it received its travel program and any other tailor-made options/services.


The Provider will archive the purchase orders and the invoices on a reliable and durable support. The Provider’s computerized records will be considered by the parties as proof of communications, orders, payments and transactions between the Parties.


Disputes between the Provider and the Client, whatever their nature, do not give the Client the right to suspend payments.

This contract is governed by the French law. French courtrooms will be competent in case of litigation.

In the event of any dispute, the Parties undertake to do everything possible to settle their differences amicably.

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